Please accept
these words and images
as visitors across the
that connects us all.
With love,
I've resisted having a "writing blog" for reasons that are less clear as time goes on.
I began this one in January of 2013 and dropped it due to various twists in the road and numerous frustrations. I may never get it into shape as I'd like it; I remember running into formatting devils I could not overcome.
However, at this time I am finding myself with too much material and not enough place to put it. For various reasons, publishing creative material on a blog sets limits on what else the creator can do with it, and that has also inhibited me. But I'm going to let some of my beasties out to roam here, perhaps some of the ones I feel are the least civilized, the least likely ever to find a home in another published form.
They need to see the light, so I am going to let them.
I still blog at Everybody Try Flying, and will keep that blog current at least once a month. Here, you'll find a slightly wilder fare.
I hope you enjoy visiting here.